Just a note to say how pleased I am with your product. We moved into a cottage where cats had been allowed to run free in the basement on a concrete floor. I do not think their litter boxes were ever changed. The odor was overpowering. For years, we tried everything from chlorine to lyme to all types of odor removers etc. etc. – nothing worked. We your found product listed in a Home Hardware ad and bought some to try. Finally, after five years, we were able to eliminate the odor after one application. I do intend to give it a second application just in case we missed any areas but for now the odor is undetectable – even after 3 months and the odor has not come back. Please feel free to use my email as a testimonial as I believe that when a product works as well as yours, especially when nothing else works, the producer’s claims should be verified.
Thanks and best regards,
- Chuck Aherne
Our customers report that Urine-Erase really works to remove human or pet urine from their beds and floors. Parents of bedwetting children often worry that their mattress is ruined but are relieved to know there is a product like this to remove the odor and the stain. Customers who move into homes where pet urine odor and stains are apparent also appreciate Urine-Erase’s ability to eliminate old stains. We have carried this product for more than 10 years and will continue to do so!
Reidell Chemical company is easy to work with, prompt when we place an order and good about letting us know when the shipment is on the way.
- Renee Mercer / Bed Wetting Store

I believe I have tried every product on the market to remove urine stained areas from my white carpet, in my new house over the past 18 months. That’s no exaggeration; from every product PetSmart sells in it’s stores to every product in the Grocery Store to Oxyclean. I’ve spent hundreds and hundreds. We were just getting ready to replace the carpeting with wood floors, a not inexpensive undertaking, when I stumbled across your product. My husband laughs at me for continually trying to get these areas clean, but i can tell you he’s not laughing anymore. I can say I was honestly shocked down to my toes when I saw your product worked. It’s a rarity these days, even with a money back guarantee, that a product actually does what it says. I still have not found your product on the shelves at PetSmart, nor on my grocer’s shelves. I can tell you, people who have this little problem would be no more embarrassed to buy Urine-Erase from the grocery store than any other personal product. You need to get this out here – I’m telling everyone I know.
Again, and sincerely, thanks very much. Salute!
- Pam Stenger
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